*Tips to discover ones entrepreneurial skills and stay motivated*
If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you need to discover your strengths and give yourself every possible opportunity to leverage them each day.
✓. *Determining Your Soft Skills*
having a strong sense of self-awareness
successful entrepreneurs have always kept themselves aware of happenings around them,so that they can be able to utilize any opportunity that comes their way.
Being optimistic.
Successful entrepreneurs are always positive and always look for ways to improve themselves day by day.
Being resilient.
Whenever entrepreneurs fail in the process of solving problems in the society, they keep going,they hang in there and never look back.
Because they believe every step is important in the process of achieving success.
" success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts"
Having patience.
Successful entrepreneurs always have that spirit of patience in achieving their desires.they don't quit when things get tougher.
" quiters are losers
Winners never quit"
Being a good listener.
Successful entrepreneurs are good listeners
They like to analyse things before finalizing.
They don't take hasty decisions.
They take their time to make good decisions,that will benefit them.
.✓ *Take a different path.*
Creativity is the ability to see things differently and to provide solutions where there are gaps.
To build your creativity skills, intentionally try something new.
Do something that others won’t do.
when You know what others don't know, do what others dont do,
you won't be faced with competition, and you are likely to progress.
✓ *Start a business* .
“You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.” -- Richard Branson.
There is nothing like real-world experience.
Whether you run a business on the side or full-time,
you get the opportunity to grow your skills such as business planning, negotiation, sales and marketing.
. ✓*Stick with challenges* .
“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” -- Albert Einstein.
Every successful entrepreneur has learned to develop their perseverance and tenacity muscles.
The life of an entrepreneur is never smooth sailing, and it takes guts to keep going when people doubt your abilities.
.✓ *Manage your own finances.*
Understanding basic finance is essential in running your own company.
You don’t have to be an accountant, but you should at least be able to understand the basics around cash flow, assets, and profit and loss.
Start by learning how to do your own taxes and manage your own budget and investments.
✓. *Learn from a mentor.*
The value of a mentor is priceless when it comes to building your entrepreneurial skills.
Rather than make all the mistakes yourself, why not learn from someone else who has already made them?
Having a mentor will keep you focus and motivated all the time.
Most successful entrepreneurs have a mentor they look up to, so this is a very important step.
*Growth mindset*
Successful entrepreneurs have a growth mindset meaning they are concerned about their improvement not on how people will judge them.
Benjamin barber
Thank you very much and I hope you learn alot from the little tips I have shared with you.
prepare to be amaze from our next article "Role of a mentor in discovering one's entrepreneurial skills".