Blogging have over the years become a lucrative business, 

as the internet has continue to develop and gained more users than before,

 and as I speak to you now it is continuing to grow as we have about 4.66 BILLION ACTIVE INTERNET USER AS OF OCTOBER 2020.

Here are the three (3) biggest bloggers in the world today:


Monthly income:  560,000 DOLLARS - 600,000 DOLLARS.

Blog: MASHABLE, ( that covers news about social media and technology)

 The scotland blogger and also an entrepreneur that was able to turn MASHABLE his tech blog  to a global media company.

He was born on the 18th of September 1985, in Aberdeen, scotland.

Without a university degree,
The 35 years old , is one of the youngest top blogger in the world.

In his teens, he missed school for years as he recovered from an appendix surgery, spending most of his time at home.

That was when he thought of creating his 
blog, MASHABLE  in 2005 when he was only  19 years old.
As  he was already passionate about how  social networks were transforming human interactions.

At that time he started working 18 hours, writing around 10 articles in a day.

Within a year and a half , mashable gained attention to reach one of the top 10 blogs, having millions of visit each month.

Cashmore  said and I quote:

"A lot of people start out with an exciting thing and they want to take over the world.
But really the people who do take over the world have a good plan of how to get there and the steps along the way."

 In 2009, Cashmore was named the most influential Twitter user in the world .

In 2017, mashable was sold to ziff Davis for 50 MILLION DOLLARS.

In 2018, cashmore updated his Twitter and LinkedIn biographies to say
" now taking sometime off and working on something new."


Monthly income: 500,000 DOLLARS - 800,000 DOLLARS.

Net worth : 15 MILLION DOLLARS

Blog: TECH CRUNCH( dedicated on Tech and startups) 

The  American blogger and also an entrepreneur, 
was able to turn TECH CRUNCH,  his Tech and Startup blog  into a Giant Media Company.

He was born on march 13, 1970 in Huntington beach, California.

The 42 years old, is a highly influential figure in the tech world.

He went to standford law school and graduated in 1995.

Then later in 2005 , he founded TECH CRUNCH.

Then he began blogging as a hobby but later realized his useful posts were attracting a bigger audience.

Noticing that he Endeavoured to produce excellent blog content each day
 and in no time he gained popularity, getting MILLIONS of visit to TECH CRUNCH  each month.

Generating huge revenue from display ads and pay per click links, placed on his blog.

FORBES named him one of the most powerful people on internet.

From his words, he said :
" Best startups generally come from somebody needing to scratch an itch"

In 2011, micheal left TECH CRUNCH  and founded a venture capital firm called, CRUNCH FUND.


Monthly income: 200,000- 400,000 DOLLARS
Net worth : 20 MILLION DOLLARS

Blog: PEREZ HILTON ( dedicated on gossip items about celebrities) 

 The American blogger, youtuber, writer 

and also an entrepreneur was able to turn his entertainment blog, PEREZ HILTON into a big media firm.

He was born on the 23rd of march 1978 in miami, Florida.

He graduated with a bachelor's degree from New York University.

The 42 years old, started blogging in 2004 with pagesixsixsix which he later changed to  the present Perez Hilton.

He  began  Blogging as a hobby, and since then we was consistent in publishing useful content.

His blog targeted HOLLYWOOD STARS TO SINGERS AND ATHLETES. So there was always something to talk about.

Gradually, he got attention of MILLIONS PEOPLE To his blog monthly.

He said and I qoute :

" I think what I do is noble. I think my job title is entertainer. I shine  the light on celebrities behaving badly and I also shine the light on those that get it right.And those that get it right I applaud".


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